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The kitchen is not less than a heaven as the good enough thing is, it’s the place where good food is made! It is the only place where we lurk around the most whenever there is food craving. Take the ingredients out of the fridge and try to cook favorite dishes is the most wonderful thing we all do! But it will also leave the kitchen dirty and messy if not cleaned in proper ways. The most “cleaning attention” area of the house, the kitchen, should be cleaned regularly as of course no one likes the spilled sauce at the counter or dishes piled in the sink.


Now I am telling you about as to how clean your kitchen in the cheapest and economically friendly ways that do not feel the burden on your pocket. As modern cleaning products are not Eco-friendly and harmful for our health, and you will not find environment-friendly products at low prices, so few kitchen tips using cheap and natural ingredients can sparkle your kitchen!
Kitchen has some amazing daily use ingredients, we put on the shelves and don’t even know how good and quick these are in cleaning! Bring the first change by using old clothes that you don’t use anymore and make them your wipes. Use non- disposable gloves or reusable gloves as they can be used instead of throwing them in the trash. Reduce your trash as much as possible by reusing the items.


You may have many other ways to clean your home! My favorite one environment friendly ingredient is baking soda! Bicarbonate of Soda or baking soda is a wonderful cleaning product. Sprinkle it between your tiles or you can spray it with some water and rub with hard toothbrush to clean grout. Mix baking soda and water in half ratio with and use a sponge or cloth to rub away spots and marks on your wall. Bicarbonate of soda with distilled vinegar reacts in a great way! If you pour a cup of baking soda down in your drains, and then distilled vinegar, it will help with all like stains, smell and blockages. Salt with water can do the same with smell.
The microwave is the most useful invention, I must say because it keeps us away from using re-heating the food in pans and makes them dirty each time. The microwave also needs proper cleaning as who would like to use it when it has spilled tea or food inside! Here is a simple technique, use lemon juice and baking soda mixture and clean the oven with it, as lemon cleans all the grease and other stains and you will have a clean oven in just 15 minutes.


But if you are working professional it would be a tiring task to clean the kitchen even using these simple ingredients. As I know weekends are the most precious part of the whole week and working people don’t want to spend their time in the kitchen. Don’t worry, it’s easy, just call to Alomaids. They are the best cleaners in Dubai providing best cleaning services in commercial and residential areas of Dubai. They can help you in kitchen cleaning by the services of highly professional maids.
So the kitchen cleaning is not your problem anymore! Call them or online order the services of a maid. They are the best cleaners in Dubai!


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