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How to safely mount the TV at home

Mounting a TV or installation of any appliance may give you cold sweats if you are used to the services of professional. Well, no matter how confident you are in doing such sort of tasks, you cannot do it better than a professional. Whether you are moving to a new place or bought a new TV, these tips will help you in mounting the TV safely at home.
Ready to mount the TV?  Let’s start!

Bring the right tools:

Of course, you cannot do it without important tools so first grab the tools you are going to work with.
  • Pencil for marking
  • A tape measure
  • Screwdriver to tighten the bolts
  • Drill machine
  • Level
  • Stud finder or Toogle

Mark the wall and hang the frame:

The first and imperative thing to keep in mind is, just do your work slowly as rushing may harm you or cause any damage to your TV. Collect the tools and devices to be used and slowly do the mounting.
Stud finders and toggles are used to find the studs where you want to mount the TV. A stud finder is usually tricky to use so choose wisely between the two. The frame is needed to be mounted on the TV at the right level. The height of the frame should have the mid of TV screen at eye level when you are standing in front of it. For most of the frames, four bolts are needed that will support your TV fully. Switch on the drill machine and make holes carefully. Hang the frame and tight the screws. 

Now some wiring work to be done:

It is recommended to buy long wires whether you are going to mount the TV on the stand or directly mount it on the wall. Extra wires can be hidden or wrapped up and stuffed in the wall. When cables are short they could damage your equipment. For a flat TV installation with the equipment right below the TV, 8-foot cables would work. If you are mounting the TV higher than normal (36 or 42 inches from the floor) 12-inch cables will be required. Mostly used TV are slim LED so try to avoid bulky connectors.
For running the wires in walls you have two options. If you are certain that the wires are safe for in-wall installation or suitable for putting in the walls then do it. In another case if you are not, then buy a channelling that can simply run from your TV to the outlet. To hide the wiring you can make the outlet behind the TV but it will need a professional.

Place your TV on the mounted frame:

Place your TV on the installed frame. For checking the level you may need a helper to have a final look.

Alotechnical is a company providing the expert electrical services in Dubai - UAE. Professional plumbers, handyman and electricians do their job with customer satisfaction. If you want any installation service, contact Alotechnical.

Article By: ALOTechnical
Blog Link: How to safely mount the TV at home


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